What’s New – Week of January 13, 2014
Here are the new items and changes since our last update. Check back here often. You can always see “What’s New” by accessing the item from our site menu.

New Wiki Content
We have kick-started the membership with a plethora of wiki content. Please note that while we have a lot of new content here, there is still some cleanup of formatting and addition of screenshots to do. We appreciate your patience!
- The GroupWise 2014 Administration Model
- The GroupWise Administrative Service (gwadminservice)
- Configure Apache2 for SSL on SLES
- Upgrading In-Place – Linux or Windows – Overview
- Upgrading/Migrating from NetWare (also moving Linux or Windows to new servers) – Overview
- Tuning Your Windows Server for GroupWise
New Webinar Content
2013-12-10 GroupWise Mobility 2.0 Overview
New How-To Video Content
Installing/Upgrading GroupWise 2014 Client with ZCM
GroupWise 2014 Client Auto-Update through POA
Since the site is new, there are no new items in the Q&A section. Remember that we are not attempting to replace sites like forums.novell.com or the ngwlist.com, but rather tackle member issues that need more thought and consideration than might be available in those venues.
Members Log Analysis
Don’t forget one of the top benefits of your membership. Upload your logs to us monthly (any day you choose, but only once a month please, unless we ask for follow-up). Go upload your logs now here.
Other GroupWise News of Interest
Here are a few blog posts/articles/etc that caught our eye this week.
GroupWise: Change your Mind About Frequent Contacts – by Dean Lythgoe
What’s New – Week of January 13, 2014 — No Comments
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